

Admit it, you love zombies too. For me zombies and killer robots go hand in hand, give me a cheesy zombie or robot movie over an oscar winner any day!

Anyway, the reason for this post was because I was sitting at my desk last night and out from behind my monitor is peeking an old sculpture I made. I could never quite decide how to complete it, so there it sits, behind the LCD -- safe from being knocked onto the ground -- until I decide. If he was to become a zombie I was planning on completing him with some torn flesh and other zombish qualities, then planned to cast him in silicone and punch scraggly gray hairs to his scalp. OR he may become a cybernetic robot... if that's the case then there is a lot more work involved as machined parts are so refined and precise and making them out of clay I can't imagine would be all too enjoyable. Plus I would have to cast two separate moulds, one out of silicone for the fleshy outer part, and a second out of plaster (since I have no idea how to cast metal) for the cyborg part.

I'm sure one day I'll decide, but for right now he's content with what he looks like now and I'm not in any rush to complete it... at least now I'll have something to do on a rainy day.

Procrastination crazy;

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