
Lions, Squids, & Bears, OH MY!

So I took a trip to the zoo the other day... well not really. Anyway, here are the illustrations I've developed to show each bio-zone.

So the animals I've got are:

Polar: Penguins & a Polar Bear
Desert: Tortoise & Kangaroo
Ocean: Squid & Jelly Fish
Rain forest: Bush Baby & Boa Constrictor
Savannah: Lion & Elephant

And then here is a screen capture of me tracing my sketches in Adobe Illustrator:

Updated 06/20/09*** Ugh, I just realized how much of a moron I am. Although not displayed in the pictures above I did put in the descriptions of each animal, but I simply typed them out rather than giving them there own little box.... and I've already sent the final images to the prof. damn, well lesson learned for next time I suppose.

See ya!

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