

Its well known that I hate bugs, all bugs, there is no such thing as a 'cute' bug. They are all useless horrors of this earth.... but heres my bug toy thus far into his construction.

PS: I changed my design since my last bug looked a lot like a robot (as I was told) so this is a new design, he too looked rather robotish so I gave him some texture with the super sculpey.

Thats all for now.


So visualization of music is clearly not my strong point, although I do like what I've produced for this assignment. The idea was to create something using any medium and try to visualize music.

The first, I made this while listening to:
Music is my Boyfriend by CSS

and the second while listening to:
Today Children by Liam Brocklehurst

I don't think either of them make a whole heap of sense, but this is what I came up with while I had the tunes blasting in my ears...

Over tired and crabby,



So, I hate bugs... all bugs, dead ones are for some reason more creepy then live ones but in the end they all suck.... and now I have to create one out of clay and it makes me want to shrivel up and die :)

anyway, this is him:

He is prey to many other bugs, and
lives a sad pitiful little existence



Hookers get old...

So this is the illustration I made for DMA 101... she started out as a mean old woman head, but I couldn't figure out why she was so mean... so I figured I'd make her into a hooker, a really old hooker. Then it would make sense that she would have a really mean look on her face.



You are what you eat.

So here are my 42 food pictures,

It all starts with OSAP, one day, completely randomly and NOT on time at all they will deposit a predetermined sum of money into your account. After not eating properly for weeks on end and stressing over a project which.... REQUIRES eating, you tend to splurge when you have the funds to fill your kitchen.

All the pictures can be found on my flickr account.

If I am what I eat, then I'm delicious!


Final 3D Renderings

Okay, so here they are... I think my favorite has got to be the under water scene.... deep water freaks me out and I think water mines are creepy, if not THE creepiest things ever, so that picture gives me the willies.

And thank you so much for all your compliments!



So here it is!

I'm done the terminator! Well... I still have a few small details to do on the face, however with the 3D tools in Illustrator its really difficult to get the shapes I want... but for the most part its finished. I've got the rest of the composition ready to go but I can't put it together until I can get into the computer labs at the college as my wee little Macbook barely has enough RAM to display the Terminator, not to mention all of the gaussian blurs and gradient mesh symbols I'll be using for the fog...

as a side note here is another 3D scene I've been working on... this was meant to be in with the fish as an air pump in the tank but I don't think they work very well together so now I've got to decide which of the other two scenes to bump, the BBQ or the Fish.... or I'll try to get the fish to work out... I don't know.

3D Crazed: